Latest Arrivals |
Latest Selection & Pictures of New & Second Hand Machinery in stock. Ring for details & prices.
WANTED - Conventional Hay Balers.
MF 124,128. New Holland 370, 376. John Deere 342, International 430,435,440. |
McHale Fusion 3 Combination Bailer Very Tidy...................£POA |
New Fleming 1000, 9.5 cyd Rotaspreader on 550 x 60 x 22.5 Wheels.................£7800.00
Fleming 700 7 cyd on 385 x 65R x 22.5 Wheels...........£6000.00
New Fleming MS450 4 cyd Rotaspreader on 11.5/80/15.3 Wheels.................£3600.00 |
NEW JPM 16 & 18ton Silage Trailer in Stock c.w
10 Stud Have Duty Commercial Axle
Air Brakes with Load Sensing Valve
Hyd Back Door
Grain Chute
Sprung Draw Bar
560/60/22.5 Wheels
18 Ton 1 only at...............£23,000.00 |
John Deere 6930 4wd Tractor (2008) 7600 Hrs.............£POA
New Portequip 32ft Bale Trailers on 435/50 R19.5 Low Prof Super Singles c.w LED Light, Tool Box, Hyd Brake 2 only at .............£12,500.00 |
Samson Flex 111 16 Rear End Discharge Spreader c.w Slurry Door............£8500.00 |
Pottinger Top 612C. 6.2 meter Twin Rotor Rake. Very Tidy.
............£POA |
Marshall 6 ton Drop Side Tipping Trailer c.w Bale Extension and Front and Rear Ripple As New...............£4000.00 |
Belmac 9cyd Rotaspreder on 550 Wheels............£3500.00 |
Belair Brick 2138 Trailed Straw Chiopper c.w Swivel Shoot Very Tidy................£6500.00 |
Alpler Transpread Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders c.w cover.
3 Ton.........£12,000.00
4 Ton.........£13,000.00
5 Ton.........£14,000.00 |
Lely Roterra 300-35, 3mtr Power Harrow c.w Packer Roller Very Tidy..............£3750.00 |
Kuhn HR3004, 3mtr Power Harrow c.w Packer Roller , Very Tidy....................£5500.00 |
Kverland 9472C Twin Rotor Rake As New....................£12,500.00 |
Chieftan Tandom Axle Dump Trailer c.w Hyd Back Door, Super Single Wheels + Sprung Drowbar...........£POA |
Graham Edwards 14 x 5'8'' Twin Axle Livestock Trailer c.w wind away Decks................£POA |
Farma 51D Tandom Axle Timber Trailer c.w Crane on 400 Wheels Very Tidy.......................£8000.00 |
Star 20ft Livestock Trailer c.w Sheep Decks on 445/45R19.5 Low Profile Super Single Very Tidy......£10,000.00 |
IAN Dinsdale Sawdust Spreder, Twin Side Good Condition..................£1500.00 |
NEW SIMA Concrete Mixer Bucket to Fit Front End or Digger.................£5500.00 |
NEW Round and Square Bale Handlers............£POA |
Krone AM323S. 10ft Mower on 3 point ( Ideal Topping Machine)
.................£1500.00 |
JPM 14ton Half Pipe Dump Trailer on 10 Stud Commercial Axles Very Tidy..........£10,800.00 |
ABBEY 2250 Gal Vaci Tank Tidy Condition...........£7500.00 |
Alstrong Anctus M 3mtr Combi Seeder c.w Air Seeder and Packer Roller As New...............£POA |
Minos 2.4 Meter Flail Topper. Very Tidy.
.........£POA |
Jarmet 4mtr Galv Hyd Fold Harrow As New........£1250.00 |
LucasG Castor + 60R Trailed Silage + Straw Chopper
c.w Swivel Shoot, Elect Control Good Condition................£7750.00 |
Tarup 42 Tornado Trailed Straw Chiopper Very Tidy ..............£3750.00 |
Ifor Williams DP 14ft Tri Axle Livestock Triler c.w Easy Load Decks.........£5000.00 |
Rozmital oz-7765 6 Rotor Hyd Fold Tedder Very Tidy.........£3800.00 |
Albutt Front End 18 Tine folding Buckrake c.w Hardox Tines.
.........£4500.00 |
Pottinger Ladeprofi Profimatic 3, Tandom Axle Silage Wagon As New...............£POA |
Vallely Galvenice Trailed Slurry Reel...........£1800.00 |
Strimech 8ft, Large Capacity Grain Bucket c.w Merlo Brackets.
..........£1200.00 |
Zero Grazer Trailer with Right hand Feeder Beaters. Good Condition.
Massey Ferguson 224 Conventional Baler.Very Tidy...........£POA |
John Deere 359 Conventional Baler. Good Condition.
............£POA |
McHale Proglide F3100 Front End Conditioner Mower Very Tidy..............£8750.00 |
Graham Edwards DM12ft Tri Axle Livestock Trailer c.w wind away Sheep Decs.............£POA |
NC 16 Ton Grain Trailer on 560/45/22.5 Wheels. Air & Oil Brakes & Cover............£10,000.00 |
RMH Mixell 14 Tub Mixer. c.w Cross Conveyer, Left Hand Elevator & Steer Axle................£5000.00 |
Abbey 2500 Gallon Vaci Tank. Very Tidy.
...........£10,000.00 |
Lely Hibiscus 1515CD Profi. 4 Rotor Rake.
.........£12,500.00 |
6 Pipe Galvenised Trailed Reeler. Tidy Condition.
.........£3500.00 |
Kverland 4 Furrow Reversable Plough c.w Rear Disc and Depth Wheel......£POA |
Bomford Turbo Tiller on 3 point...........£800.00 |
KRM 2700 Flail Topper c.w Side Shift. Very Tidy..............£2950.00 |
Major 6400 Roller Mower Trailed Hyd Fold Topper.
.........£POA |
Amazone ZA-X Perfect 2 Bag Twin Disc Fertilizer Spinner Hyd Control Very Tidy..............£1500.00 |
Strautmann Verti-Mix 2000 Double Twin Auger, Tandem Axle Tub Mixer. Very Tidy...............£11,500.00 |
Slurry Kat Slurry Reel on 3 point.
........£2500.00 |
Graham Edwards 10 x 6'6" Electric Tipper Trailer, c.w Sides.
Good Condition............£2750.00 |
Graham Edwards 12 x 6'6" Twin Axle Trailer c.w sides.
.........£2000.00 |