
Arfon Roberts a'i Gwmni Cyf

Gwerthiant peiriannau amaethyddol  Farm Machinery sales s


Second-hand Tractors and Machinery



UPDATED 12/3/2025

Latest Arrivals

Latest Selection & Pictures of New & Second Hand Machinery in stock. Ring for details & prices.

WANTED - Conventional Hay Balers.

MF 124,128. New Holland 370, 376. John Deere 342, International 430,435,440.

McHale Fusion 3 Combination Bailer Very Tidy...................£POA

New Fleming 1000, 9.5 cyd Rotaspreader on 550 x 60 x 22.5 Wheels.................£7800.00

Fleming 700 7 cyd on 385 x 65R x 22.5 Wheels...........£6000.00

New Fleming MS450 4 cyd Rotaspreader on 11.5/80/15.3 Wheels.................£3600.00

NEW Malone Proline 610 Twin Rotor Rake 

(20' Working Width)

  • Positive steering
  • Independent lift with electric controls
  • 4 tines per tine arm
  • Waltershield PTO shaft
  • Spare wheel

Superior SH4000 Mobile Roller Mill, 50cm Roller.

Good Condition.............£5000.00

Kverneland 7710. (2019) Bale Wraper on 3 point, c.w Remote Control. As New..............£4500.00

New Portequip 32ft Bale Trailers on 435/50 R19.5 Low Prof Super Singles c.w LED Light, Tool Box, Hyd Brake 2 only at .............£12,500.00

Samson Flex 111 16 Rear End Discharge Spreader c.w Slurry Door............£8500.00

Pottinger Top 612C. 6.2 meter Twin Rotor Rake. Very Tidy.


NEW Storth Super Jet 6, 6ft to 8ft, Hydraulic Lift in stock.


Major LGP 2000 Gallon Vaci Tank. Very Tidy.


Major LGP 2050Gal Vaci Tank............£6750.00


Alpler Transpread Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders c.w cover.

3 Ton.........£12,000.00

4 Ton.........£13,000.00

5 Ton.........£14,000.00

NEW JPM 16 & 18ton Silage Trailer in Stock c.w

10 Stud Have Duty Commercial Axle

Air Brakes with Load Sensing Valve

Hyd Back Door

Grain Chute

Sprung Draw Bar

560/60/22.5 Wheels

16 Ton ...............£21,000.00

Kuhn Profile Plus 30.2DL Ventidrive Twin Auger Tub Mixer c.w Front Left Discharge and Straw Blower. Very Tidy...........£12,500

Kverland 9472C Twin Rotor Rake As New....................£13,000.00

Marshall QM12 12 Ton Silage Trailer Hyd Back Door Sprung Drowbar Very Tidy...............£POA

NEW Mascar Plus Corsa 450L Round Bailer .....................£POA

Farma 51D Tandom Axle Timber Trailer c.w Crane on 400 Wheels Very Tidy.......................£8000.00

KC Bruiser 600 Mobile Mill Good Condition............£8500.00

IAN Dinsdale Sawdust Spreder, Twin Side Good Condition..................£1500.00

NEW SIMA Concrete Mixer Bucket to Fit Front End or Digger.................£5500.00

Ifor Williams DP 14ft Tri Axle Livestock Trailer, c.w Easy Load Decks..............£3400.00

NEW Round and Square Bale Handlers............£POA

Krone AM323S. 10ft Mower on 3 point ( Ideal Topping Machine)


JPM 14ton Half Pipe Dump Trailer on 10 Stud Commercial Axles Very Tidy..........£10,800.00

ABBEY 2250 Gal Vaci Tank Tidy Condition...........£7500.00


Alstrong Anctus M 3mtr Combi Seeder c.w Air Seeder and Packer Roller As New...............£POA

Minos 2.4 Meter Flail Topper. Very Tidy.


Ifor Williams 8ft Low Headroom, Twin Axle Livestock Trailer.


Graham Edwards 14 x 5'8'' Twin Axle Livestock Trailer c.w wind away Decks................£POA

Rivakka Greenmaker G9 70cm Mobile Crimpler on 3 point.

Very Tidy.............£8000.00

LucasG Castor + 60R Trailed Silage + Straw Chopper

c.w Swivel Shoot, Elect Control Good Condition................£7750.00

Tarup 42 Tornado Trailed Straw Chiopper Very Tidy ..............£3750.00

Ifor Williams DP 14ft Tri Axle Livestock Trailer c.w Easy Load Decks.........£5000.00

Rozmital oz-7765 6 Rotor Hyd Fold Tedder Very Tidy.........£3800.00

Belair Brick 2138 Trailed Straw Chiopper c.w Swivel Shoot Very Tidy................£6500.00

Albutt Front End 18 Tine folding Buckrake c.w Hardox Tines.



Vallely Galvenice Trailed Slurry Reel...........£1800.00

Strimech 8ft, Large Capacity Grain Bucket c.w Merlo Brackets.


Zero Grazer Trailer with Right hand Feeder Beaters. Good Condition.






McHale Proglide F3100 Front End Conditioner Mower Very Tidy..............£8750.00

Graham Edwards DM12ft Tri Axle Livestock Trailer c.w wind away Sheep Decs.............£POA




NC 16 Ton Grain Trailer on 560/45/22.5 Wheels. Air & Oil Brakes & Cover............£10,000.00



RMH Mixell 14 Tub Mixer. c.w Cross Conveyer, Left Hand Elevator & Steer Axle................£5000.00












Lely Hibiscus 1515CD Profi. 4 Rotor Rake.



6 Pipe Galvenised Trailed Reeler. Tidy Condition.













Kverland 4 Furrow Reversable Plough c.w Rear Disc and Depth Wheel......£POA






KRM 2700 Flail Topper c.w Side Shift. Very Tidy..............£2950.00



Major 6400 Roller Mower Trailed Hyd Fold Topper.






Strautmann Verti-Mix 2000 Double Twin Auger, Tandem Axle Tub Mixer. Very Tidy...............£11,500.00






Graham Edwards 10 x 6'6" Electric Tipper Trailer, c.w Sides.

Good Condition............£2750.00


Graham Edwards 12 x 6'6" Twin Axle Trailer c.w sides.
